Lyft Kidnapping and Abduction Lawsuits

Lyft Kidnapping and Abduction Lawsuits

While rare, Lyft-related kidnappings and abductions do occur. This is also true of Uber-related kidnappings. Lyft has taken some steps to address these kidnappings and other assaults like rape, carjacking and shooting. These steps were taken in part due to lawsuits that Lyft, and other rideshare companies like Uber, have faced. Both Lyft and Uber have settled claims but have never admitted responsibility for their role in rideshare assaults, including kidnapping. Lyft does not include kidnapping in its public safety reporting, so only the company knows how many users report Lyft kidnappings. These kidnappings often involve physical assault or sexual assault. Below are two examples of kidnapping cases related to Lyft services.

Lyft Driver Abducted and Sexually Assaulted Women in Colorado

In 2022, investigators charged a male former Lyft driver with 41 felony counts, including 10 counts of kidnapping. He was alleged to have abducted and sexually assaulted at least 10 women between 2018 and 2022. The driver would find heavily intoxicated women at clubs and bars and take them to his home or sexually assault them in his vehicle. Thanks to teamwork between investigators and a tipster, the man was identified. Lyft permanently banned the driver upon learning of his actions.

Lyft Passenger Robbed and Kidnapped Driver in Mississippi

A former Lyft driver was completing a routine drive when a male passenger pulled out a gun and robbed her. The passenger forced her to give up her keys, phone, watch and debit cards and forced her into the backseat. The attacker kept his gun pointed at the Lyft driver while driving until he made her walk through the woods. The man proceeded to shoot the driver several times and ran off.

Miraculously, the driver survived and was able to reach a nearby apartment complex to get help. She no longer drives for Lyft. The attacker was indicted and charged with attempted murder, kidnapping, armed robbery and armed carjacking.

Filing a Lyft Kidnapping or Abduction Lawsuit

Filing a Lyft kidnapping lawsuit is an empowering step victims can take to keep Lyft in check and to recover damages. Rideshare lawyers help keep rideshare companies accountable and influence policies to make rides safer for future users. An experienced Lyft lawyer can also help you get compensation related to injuries sustained in your kidnapping and the services required to recover from them. These can include medical bills, therapy, and loss of income, among other expenses.

There will likely be a police report and medical records related to your Lyft kidnapping incident, which can be important for reaching a settlement or verdict. Victims and witnesses of the event should record their memory of it through writing, audio or any other preferred means. This way, important details are more likely to be included. Important details include the date and time of the event, persons involved and descriptions of them, and anything that intuitively seems pertinent to a potential case.

Why Hire The Meneo Law Group?

For over 25 years, Attorney Ron Meneo has served as Managing Partner of The Meneo Law Group where he leads an experienced legal team dedicated to serving clients in specific areas of personal injury, including Lyft kidnappings. We are caring and compassionate lawyers that work hard on our client’s behalf. Because we work on contingency, you owe no money out of pocket unless we obtain a settlement on your behalf. If you are the victim of a Lyft kidnapping, request a free case evaluation today.

Bradbury S. Denver Lyft driver accused of kidnapping, sexually assaulting women; police say there may be more victims. The Denver Post. Updated October 2022.

Pelisek C. Lyft Driver Recounts Being Kidnapped and Shot 7 Times: ‘I’m Not Going to Make It. This Is How I Die.’ People. December 2022.


Please fill in the form below, call us at 1-866-371-8506, or email us at to request a FREE case evaluation if you or a loved one suffered a sexual assault, a serious physical attack, or an accident as a passenger or a driver during an Uber or Lyft ride.

Have you or a loved one suffered a documented sexual assault or other serious physical attack as a passenger or a driver during an Uber or Lyft ride? *
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If you prefer to speak with us directly regarding your incident, please call The Meneo Law Group at 1-866-371-8506 or send us a confidential email.