Uber and Lyft Sexual Assault

Hiring A Rideshare Lawyer

Hiring A Rideshare Lawyer»

When considering filing a rideshare lawsuit, it is important to choose a lawyer with extensive experience in litigating rideshare injury cases. An experienced lawyer knows best how to get compensation for their clients. They can guide clients through important questions, like whether it is most beneficial to seek a rideshare settlement or to bring a rideshare lawsuit to trial. While rideshare personal injury is a relatively new field of law, The Meneo Law Group already has the experience, knowledge and resources to help you achieve the best outcomes for your case.

Uber Sexual Assault

About Uber Assault Lawsuits»

In 2019, years after Uber began operations and after years of turning a blind eye to the sexual assault claims against their drivers, the company released its first safety report. Between 2017 and 2018, 5,981 sexual assaults were reported in U.S. rides. 464 of these were reported rapes. This is likely a low number as sexual assault is often an underreported crime. Uber released a follow-up report in 2022 showing 3,824 reported sexual assaults in the U.S. between 2019 and 2020, with 418 of the assaults being rape. These reports also covered physical assault and risky driving. Sexual assault, physical assault and other injuries happen to both drivers and passengers for Uber.

Lyft Logo

About Lyft Assault Lawsuits»

Having been viewed by many as a safer and more consumer–friendly alternative to Uber, a rash of Lyft lawsuits has made it clear that sexual assaults perpetrated against Lyft customers is just as big of a problem as with Uber. While Lyft was able to avoid scrutiny for some time, eventually Lyft followed in Uber’s footsteps and released their own rideshare safety report in 2021. The report covered sexual assault, physical assault and risky driving. From 2017 to 2019, Lyft received 4,158 reports of sexual assault, with 360 reports of rape. Sexual assault, physical assault, and other injuries happen to drivers and passengers for Lyft.

Rideshare Sexual Assault by State

Rideshare Assault Lawsuits by State»

With operations in 50 states, rideshare drivers and passengers are at risk of injury throughout the country. Filing a rideshare assault lawsuit can help you obtain compensation for your injury. Each state has its own statutes of limitations for personal injury cases. If you are the victim of rideshare physical or sexual assault, an experienced rideshare lawyer can help determine if you are eligible to file a lawsuit.

Uber and Lyft Accidents

Uber and Lyft Accident Lawsuits»

Many accidents have occurred during rideshare services. Sometimes, the driver is found to be at fault. These accidents can result in severe injuries, traumatization or death to the driver or to passengers. Both Uber and Lyft have published data on motor vehicle fatalities on their services. Between 2017 and 2020, Uber reported 208 motor vehicle fatalities in Uber-related crashes. Between 2017 and 2019, Lyft reported 105 fatalities in Lyft-related crashes. Individuals and families may have the right to sue various parties, including rideshare companies like Uber or Lyft, in instances of death or physical injuries.

Case Evaluation

Case Evaluation »

Legally, a survivor of sexual or physical assault perpetrated by an Uber, Lyft, or other ridesharing service driver may recover financial compensation from the driver and, more commonly, from the ride sharing company for its failure to protect the customer from the assault, as well as potential failures or deficiencies in its process of reviewing and responding to the survivor’s report of the assault. Drivers are also at risk of these assaults and resulting injuries. If you are a survivor of sexual or physical assault and would like to confidentially discuss your situation and your legal options, we are prepared to talk with you.


Please fill in the form below, call us at 1-866-371-8506, or email us at confidentialinquiry@meneolawgroup.com to request a FREE case evaluation if you or a loved one suffered a sexual assault, a serious physical attack, or an accident as a passenger or a driver during an Uber or Lyft ride.

Have you or a loved one suffered a documented sexual assault or other serious physical attack as a passenger or a driver during an Uber or Lyft ride? *
 All personal information will be kept private. Please read our disclaimer.

Confidential Inquiry

If you prefer to speak with us directly regarding your incident, please call The Meneo Law Group at 1-866-371-8506 or send us a confidential email.